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The Shilla Duty Free


Online Store

Customer Service

call number notice


KST 09:00~18:00 (Open weekdays)


공시사항 구분, 제목, 작성일을 알 수 있음
Number Classification Store Title Date
19 [Notice] All the stores Notice of Dormant Release following Amendment of Personal Information Protection Act 2024-05-02
18 [Notice] All the stores Notice of closing The shilla duty free Kimop airport store 2024-04-11
17 [Notice] Seoul Store Due to the typhoon 'Kanun', the business hours of the Seoul Store 2023-08-10
16 [Notice] Seoul Store Notice of Change In Store Opening Hours 2023-06-01
15 [Notice] Jeju Store Notice of Change In JEJU Store Opening Hours 2023-04-27
14 [Notice] All the stores Notice of closing The shilla duty free jeju airport store 2023-02-28
13 [Notice] Seoul Store, Incheon Airport Store T2, Jeju Store, Jeju Airport Store Membership revamp notice 2023-02-03
12 [Notice] Seoul Store change of business hours on 3/24(Thu) B1F 2022-03-22
11 [Notice] Seoul Store Brands 'VACHERON CONSTANTIN' Closing Announcement 2021-11-26
10 [Notice] Incheon Airport Store T1 The Shilla Duty Free Incheon Airport Terminal 1 Closing Notice 2021-02-16