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REF.NO 8809838659761 / SKU.NO 662810000626

$28 (約 ¥4,282)
$21 (25%OFF)
(約 ¥3,212)
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シェアする : お気に入り商品

ポイントを使う場合は、当社·ブランドの都合によって購入金額の最大 4%まで使用可能です。




ドクタージー/Dr.G ブランドショップに行く


内容量または重量 クリーム50ml+アンプル50ml+マスクパック 28ml 1枚
重要なお知らせ すべての肌タイプ
有効期限または開封後の使用期限 cream,ampoule: Use within 12 months of release date / 36 months / The date of manufacture is difficult to mark since it frequently changes. Please contact +82-2-759-6807 for further inquiries. mask: Use immediately after opening / 36 months from the date of manufacture / The date of manufacture is difficult to mark since it frequently changes. Please contact +82-2-759-6807 for further inquiries.
使い方 1. Cream In the last step of skincare, take an appropriate amount and apply it gently along the skin texture. 2. Ample After washing your face, take an appropriate amount in the ampoule use step, spread it out gently along the skin texture, and gently absorb it by covering the entire face with both hands. In the morning, we use sunscreen to protect our skin in the final stages of skincare. TIP 1)Use moisturizing products together before and after using ampoules to create comfortable skin. 2) If you use exfoliating ingredients or vitamin C-containing products together, you may feel irritation, so be careful to use them together. 3) Close the cap tightly after use to minimize air exposure and store it away from high temperatures and direct sunlight. 3,Mask pack [How to use it] 1) After washing your face, cleanse your skin with toner. 2) Take out the mask and attach it evenly to your face. Gently stretch the chin-side band to pull up and attach the cheeks and chin as if pulling. 3) After about 10 to 20 minutes, remove the mask and pat the remaining essence on the skin to absorb it. With a tight formulation that maximizes the TIP lifting effect, you can feel a deeper sense of nutrition by removing the mask and applying black nail cream again.
製造元及び発売元 cream,ampoule: Manufacturer: Kolmar Korea Co., Ltd. / Responsible Distributor: Gowoonsesang Cosmetics Co., Ltd. mask: Manufacturer: Cosmax Co., Ltd. / Responsible Distributor: Gowoonsesang Cosmetics Co., Ltd.
原材料・成分 cream: Purified water, snail mucus filtrate, dipropylene glycol, glycerin, cetearyl alcohol, cyclopentasiloxane, capric/caprictylhexane, triethylhexane, hydrogenated polydesene, niacinamide, hydrogenated poly(C6-14olefin), 1,2-hexanediol, cyclohexaciloxane, glycerylstearate SE, kabacava leaf/root/stem extract, yam root extract, mushroom extract, mushroom extract, sinus root extract, propolis extract, poultice extract, hydrogenated lecithin, argane oil, sodium hyaluronate, dimethicone, C12-16 alcohol, glycerylostearate, sorbitanololibate, microcrystalline cellulose, squalane, cetearylglucoside, methylpropanediol, hydroxyethylacrylate/sodiumacryloyldimethyltaurate co-polymer, butylene glycol, palmitic acid, hydrogenated polyisobutene, betaine, ethanol, glycosyltrehalose, cellulose gum, isonoinosoinoate, polyceryl-10 stearate, hydrogenated stachylic acid, raffinose, stearic acid seed, shea butter, adenosine, polyglyceryl-2 polyhydroxeryl-2 polyhydroxystearate, beta-glucan, beta-glucan, betaine, ethanol, glycosylate, cellulose gum, isoninoate, polyceryl-10 stearic acid, hydroglyl-10stearate, hydrogenated staccine, hydrogenated stachylose starch, raffinose, stearic acid, shea, shea, shea buter, adenocine, adenosine, polyglyceryl-2 polyhydroxeryl-2 polyhydroxystearyl-2 polyhydroxystearate, beta-glucan, beta-glucan, beta-glucan, polyhydroxynone, polyhydroxysteryl-2 polyhydroxysteryl, polyhydroxystearate, beta-glucan, polyhydroxer, polyhydroxer, polyhydroxer, polyhydro, Dysodium EDTA, lecithin, sorbitan isostearate, sucrose, caramel, glucose, inulin lauryl carbamate, polyquaternium-51, propylene glycol, dysodium stearoyl glutamate, biosacaride gum-1, pearl powder, pizzy-100 stearate, polysolbate 60, fragrance, ethylhexylglycerin, pentylene glycol, capryl glycol, linalool, benzyl salicylate, limonene, hydroxycitronellalal, geranol ampoule: Snail mucus filtrate (34%), purified water, propanediol, glycerin, C13-16 isoalkane, glyceres-26, niacinamide, pentylene glycol, squalane, heptylenedecylenate, polyglyceryl-3disearate, 1,2-hexanediol, glyceryl stearate, betaine, hydrogeneated polydesene, hydrogeneated polyisobutene, undecane, hydrogeneated poly(C6-14olefin), synthetic sapphires, triidecane, caprylyl glycol, acrylate/C10-30alkylacrylate cross polymer, flavoring, hydrogeneated lecithin, butylene glycol, cetylpalmitate, coco-caprylate/caprate, hydrogeneated olivine fluoride, malt extract, sorbitanolribate, sorbitan palmitate, yam root extract,etc.
食品医薬品安全処テスト済みの有無 クリーム、アンプル:美白、シワ改善2重機能性化粧品
取扱い上の注意事項 1.化粧品の使用中又は使用後、直射日光があたるにより使用部分が赤味、はれ、かゆみ、刺激、色抜け(白斑等)や黒ずみ等の異常があらわれた場合は、皮膚科専門医等にご相談されることをおすすめします。
2. 傷がある部位にはお使いにならないでください。
3. 保管及び取扱上の注意事項
 a) 乳幼児の手の届かないところに保管してください。
品質保証基準 本製品は韓国公正取引委員会が告示する消費者紛争解決基準に従って補償いたします。




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  • 2. 特典条件により、新羅インターネット免税店の商品と新羅免税オフライン支店の最終決済金額が異なる場合があります。
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  • 5. 商品受領後、商品に不具合があった場合には、お客様センターに直接ご連絡ください。
  • 6. お客様のご都合により出国日以降10日以内に受領できなかった商品は自動的に注文キャンセル処理されます。ご注文キャンセル後、決済時にご利用されたお客様の口座に15日以内に全額返金致します。



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      - 自主申告していない場合、加算税が賦課されたり、関税法に基づいて処罰を受けることがあります。
      - 韓・外国人:免税品を持ち運んで韓国へ入国の際、免税品購入の総金額は最大$ 600です。
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