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REF.NO 03 애쉬펜슬라이너 / SKU.NO 717411000435

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$4.2 (30%OFF)
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WAKEMAKE is a young, professional makeup brand that highlights your everyday life into a brighter chapter with your own unique color.  


Product details

Product details
Weight,Volume 0.14g
Main Specification For all skin types
Expiration Date 36 months from manufacture, 24 months after opening/The date of manufacture is difficult to mark since it frequently changes. Please contact +82-2-3663-9219 for further informaion.
Directions Draw along the lash line as if filling in the space between the eyebrows. The soft-feeling pencil may cause the contents to be crushed or broken, so take out a little bit and use it. If a lot of contents come out, turn it in the opposite direction.
Manufacturer, Distributor Manufacture : Coco / Distributor: CJ Olive Young Co., Ltd.
Functional Cosmetic N/A
Caution 1. If any abnormal symptoms or side effects such as red spots, swelling, itching occur during use or on sun-exposed area after use, consult a dermatologist.
2. Do not apply the product on the part where you have open wound.
3. Cautions for storage and handling
a. Keep away from the reach of children.
b. Avoid direct sunlight when storing the product.
Quality Assurance Standard 본 상품에 이상이 있을경우 공정거래위원회 고시 '소비자 분쟁 해결 기준' 에 의거 보상해 드립니다.
Manufacturing country South Korea

National size guide

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Please read

  • 1. Please note that depending on your device, the color of the image may differ from the actual product.
  • 2. Due to the internal policy, the price of the Shilla Duty Free Offline Store and The Shilla Duty Free Shop may differ.
  • 3. Please be aware that the exchange of duty free products may be restricted due to Customs law.
  • 4. Even if the order is completed, it may be canceled due to availability.
  • 5. For defects on your product, please contact the Customer Service Center.
  • 6. Products that are not received by the customer will be automatically canceled 10 days after the departure date. Points and coupons for orders may expire depending on the expiration date. However, it may take up to 16 days depending on the location of the product.

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Note when purchasing duty free items

  • Purchase and exemption limit
    - There is no purchase limit for foreigners leaving Korea.
  • Bringing duty-free items to Korea
    - When entering Korea, if you exceed the allowable duty-free limit of travel, you must pay the tax after voluntarily declaring to customs.
    - If not declared voluntarily, additional tax may be levied or subject to penalties under the customs law.
    - When entering Korea by carrying duty-free items, the total amount of duty-free purchase is up to $ 600.
  • Exchange/refund
    - You can request an exchange refund via international mail directly from overseas. If you enter Korea with more than $ 600 of duty-free goods, you will be entitled to an exchange refund only by declaring your goods at the customs office.
  • Guides on the tax amount
    - When the goods are imported exceeding the exemption range, the estimated tax amount can be checked through "Customs tax website" (www.customs.go.kr) with "Estimation of estimated tax amount".