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REF.NO 411175N / SKU.NO 083412000050

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Leave it to the Italians to turn basic hygiene into a luxurious experience. Based in Florence, MARVIS has been known for its cult-worthy toothpastes since the 1970s when its distinctive tubes began cropping up in exclusive perfume shops. Over the years, the company has continued to up the style quotient and experiment with innovative flavors.

MARVIS Brand Shop

Product details

Product details
Weight,Volume 85ML
Main Specification 모든타입
Expiration Date 제조일로부터 36개월, 개봉후 12개월
Directions 적당량을 칫솔에 묻혀 칫솔질에 의해 치아를 닦는다.
Manufacturer, Distributor 루도비코 마르텔리 에스.알.엘 / ㈜ 시담
Ingredients (유효성분 : 이산화규소, 플루오르화나트륨), (기타첨가제 : 글리세린, 수산화알루미늄, 셀룰로오스검, 티타늄디옥사이드, 자일리톨, 라우릴황산나트륨, 시카린나트륨, 시트르산, 시트르산나트륨, 향료, 정제수)
Functional Cosmetic N
Caution (1) 이 치약의 불소 함유량은 905ppm임
(2) 삼키지 않도록 주의하고, 사용 후에는 입안을 충분히 헹구어 낼 것
(3) 이 치약 사용으로 잇몸이나 입안이 상하는 등 이상이 발생하는 경우, 사용을 중지하고 의사 또는 치과의사와 상의할 것
(4) 만 6세 이하의 어린이가 사용할 경우, 1회당 완두콩 크기 정도의 소량의 치약을 사용하고, 빨아 먹거나 삼키지 않도록 보호자의 지도 하에 사용할 것 (5) 만 6세 이하의 어린이가 많은 양을 삼켰을 경우, 즉시 의사 또는 치과의사와 상의할 것
(6) 만 6세 이하의 어린이의 손에 닿지 않는 곳에 보관할 것
Quality Assurance Standard An exchange or compensation will be made according to the Standards of Consumer Dispute Resolution noticed by the Fair Trade Commission.
Manufacturing country Italy

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  • 1. Please note that depending on your device, the color of the image may differ from the actual product.
  • 2. Due to the internal policy, the price of the Shilla Duty Free Offline Store and The Shilla Duty Free Shop may differ.
  • 3. Please be aware that the exchange of duty free products may be restricted due to Customs law.
  • 4. Even if the order is completed, it may be canceled due to availability.
  • 5. For defects on your product, please contact the Customer Service Center.
  • 6. Products that are not received by the customer will be automatically canceled 10 days after the departure date. Points and coupons for orders may expire depending on the expiration date. However, it may take up to 16 days depending on the location of the product.

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  • Purchase and exemption limit
    - There is no purchase limit for foreigners leaving Korea.
  • Bringing duty-free items to Korea
    - When entering Korea, if you exceed the allowable duty-free limit of travel, you must pay the tax after voluntarily declaring to customs.
    - If not declared voluntarily, additional tax may be levied or subject to penalties under the customs law.
    - When entering Korea by carrying duty-free items, the total amount of duty-free purchase is up to $ 600.
  • Exchange/refund
    - You can request an exchange refund via international mail directly from overseas. If you enter Korea with more than $ 600 of duty-free goods, you will be entitled to an exchange refund only by declaring your goods at the customs office.
  • Guides on the tax amount
    - When the goods are imported exceeding the exemption range, the estimated tax amount can be checked through "Customs tax website" (www.customs.go.kr) with "Estimation of estimated tax amount".