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REF.NO MDA12S / SKU.NO 070428000019

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Dr. Natural’s products are made with the various extracts from the Natural ingredients of Australia, where pollutions barely exist. Every product of Dr. Natural complies with Austrailia Therapeutic Goods Act and GMP and is manufactured under a rigid sanitation.

In addition, Dr. Natural’s products are developed, tested by authoritative researchers. After testing the effects and scientific superiority, Dr. Natural’s products are able to come to the market. Dr. natural’s unstopping effort for maximizing human life quality will continue. Dr. Natural promises to develop the product endlessly to stay in the leader position of the industry.


Product details

Product details
Manufacturer and Location ASTRAGRACE Corp Pty Ltd / Australia
Manufacture Date, Expiration Date 제조일로부터 5년
Weight, Quantity 252g (12g x 21sachets)
Raw Material and Content 첨가물이 없는 100% 호주 12+ 항균성 꿀
Nutrition Informaion 열량 : 1439kJ (약 343kcal),탄수화물 : 83.7g,당류 : 73.8g,단백질 : 0.7g,지방 : 0.1g,포화지방 : 0.1g,트랜스지방 : 0g,나트륨 : 20mg
Function Information 휴대 간편한 포켓 꿀, 구강 건강 및 에너지 보충 등 건강 증진에 도움을 줄 수 있습니다.
Amount of Intake, How to Intake, Caution 하루에 1~3번, 1회 1포 섭취 하세요.
숙취, 등산이나 레저활동 시 간편하게 섭취 하세요.
12개월 이하 유아 복용시 부작용 가능성이 있습니다.
No Drug Medicine Mark 본 제품은 질병의 예방 및 치료를 위한 의약품이 아닙니다.
Genetically Modified Food Flag 해당 없음
Preliminary Reviewed for Labeling and Advertising 해당 없음
Imported Food Flag 해당 없음
ftc.Default-G_AGE.name For all ages
ftc.Default-G_FOODCLASS.name Etc

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  • 2. Due to the internal policy, the price of the Shilla Duty Free Offline Store and The Shilla Duty Free Shop may differ.
  • 3. Please be aware that the exchange of duty free products may be restricted due to Customs law.
  • 4. Even if the order is completed, it may be canceled due to availability.
  • 5. For defects on your product, please contact the Customer Service Center.
  • 6. Products that are not received by the customer will be automatically canceled 10 days after the departure date. Points and coupons for orders may expire depending on the expiration date. However, it may take up to 16 days depending on the location of the product.

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  • Purchase and exemption limit
    - There is no purchase limit for foreigners leaving Korea.
  • Bringing duty-free items to Korea
    - When entering Korea, if you exceed the allowable duty-free limit of travel, you must pay the tax after voluntarily declaring to customs.
    - If not declared voluntarily, additional tax may be levied or subject to penalties under the customs law.
    - When entering Korea by carrying duty-free items, the total amount of duty-free purchase is up to $ 600.
  • Exchange/refund
    - You can request an exchange refund via international mail directly from overseas. If you enter Korea with more than $ 600 of duty-free goods, you will be entitled to an exchange refund only by declaring your goods at the customs office.
  • Guides on the tax amount
    - When the goods are imported exceeding the exemption range, the estimated tax amount can be checked through "Customs tax website" (www.customs.go.kr) with "Estimation of estimated tax amount".